The decision to lay Isaac on the altar made Abraham the father of many nations. The decision to stay two more days in Jerusalem gave Jesus the opportunity to show God's glory by raising Lazarus from the dead. Joseph's decision to take Mary as his wife allowed for the fulfillment of the prophecy that the Messiah was to come from the line of David.
One decision changes everything.
What if Abraham chose to withhold that which gave him security? He wasn't a father of many nations but at least Isaac made Abraham a father. Isaac was a deposit of sorts for the old man. But sometimes God gives us a dream, a vision, and then He asks us to kill it.
What if Jesus had gone to Bethany right away to heal Lazarus? That would have been good as well, but healing the sick was something Jesus had been doing for years. What would be so special about that? God's "delays" and man's waiting allow for time to become ripe for God's glory to be manifested.
What if Joseph, after that message from the angel, still divorced Mary? What if he couldn't pay the price of being the father of the child that Mary was carrying? Joseph needed to see with eyes of faith in order for the prophecy to be fulfilled. God makes sure that there will be someone to support Mary in carrying that which the Holy Spirit conceived in her.
This year has been a year of giving up and letting go of personal dreams so that God can birth His dreams in my heart. The decision to yield my rights in submission to God's will made this year the awesome year that it was.
I clearly remember the day I asked for my parents' release to go to China for the JRev summer outreach. It was a few days before Christmas 2008. I played the "it's my birthday" card on them. It was my ace. But Jesse Bacon did not like the idea of sending his only daughter to communist China. I pleaded. I was called crazy to even think that they would release me. My supposed-to-be China teammates even suggested that I ask my parents again during Valentine's Day and play the "it's Valentine's Day" card on them. But that would be grasping at straws.
I decided to submit to my parents and let go of China.
During the January 2009 JRev outreach leaders meeting it was established that I was the only one from Pastor Charlie's "dream team" who wasn't going to China. I felt left out. I was supposed to be going to China with friends I have gone to different outreaches with. That would have been so much fun. Pastor Charlie and Kuya John sent me to Davao instead.
And this is where I found myself before an altar with nothing to sacrifice except my heart. I was stripped of everything that gave me security. I was in a place I have never been to with a team I did not know and without a JRev coordinator. It was the first outreach that I was with a lot of people yet I felt "alone". I remember the tears I cried and the text messages and calls that gave me encouragement.
When Abraham offered Isaac he knew one of two things would happen. Either God raises Isaac from the dead or He would provide a different sacrifice. When I offered my heart I did not know what would happen. In the end, God showed me my heart's capacity to risk and to love. Nothing compares to the joy that one experiences in opening the heart and risking it to let others in.
This year has been a year of building and deepening relationships for me. And that would not have happened had I not decided to love and risk my heart. Love as an act of the will is something we choose to do, certainly not an emotion we wait for to come. There is no room for self-preservation; one either gives the heart completely or not at all. And what joy it is to have new friends, deeper friendships, and a bigger "family". I am blessed.
Relationships are not the only blessing I received this year. I was blessed by a "delay". I was busy trying to develop my graduate thesis topic during the first quarter of 2009. I have been working on it for a year and my program adviser has been asking me why my progress was so slow. I liked my topic. It was something familiar and safe. I was developing a small group curriculum for UP students. Small group, something I have been doing for years. UP, where I got my bachelors and where I was getting my masters degree. The topic couldn't have been safer and more familiar.
If the Promise Land was safe and familiar, would Joshua have been driven to conquer it? Would you risk your life fighting giants for a land very similar to the desert you have spent most of your life in? Most probably not. And would God birth safe and familiar dreams? I don't think so.
I decided to let God birth God-sized dreams in my heart. After months of wrestling with it, I finally made that decision to leave the comfort of the safe and familiar and venture out into the unknown. I shut my eyes and with my heart beating so fast, I jumped off the cliff and changed my thesis topic.
That one decision led to something I would never have imagined for myself. "Delays" can really be opportunities for God's glory to be manifested. Who would've thought that I would have the opportunity to help a people in developing their own basic education curriculum? And an indigenous school in Davao? How glorious is that?
Mary and Martha never thought Jesus would raise Lazarus. They were resigned to the fact that Lazarus was dead. Jesus' command to move the stone away was met with an incredulous look. It would smell. But Jesus surprised everyone and commanded Lazarus to come out. Never in the sisters' wildest imagination did they consider the possibility of Lazarus coming back to life. Yes, they believed in the resurrection at the last day. But NOW? That was just too incredible.
But God is the God of impossibilities. And so even the things that we did not dare dream or hope for, He can give us. Not because of our merit but because He is God. The chance to be a small part of such a big legacy was something I only dreamed about but never knew would be a reality. For that kind of legacy I would be willing to jump off a thousand more cliffs. I would close my eyes and dream until I think I have dreamed outrageously enough. And then I shall dream some more.
As the year closes I realize that God-sized dreams and legacies to the nations and generations need Josephs to be birthed. Mary needed the support of Joseph and God made sure that Joseph would come through for her.
And you are my Josephs this year. I take this time to honor you and thank you. I wish I could speak a hundred different languages so I can say "thank you" in countless ways. Thank you for journeying with me. 2009 was a blast and I believe that 2010 will be even more glorious.
This year God has blessed me with men who offered me their strength when I was weak, who shared with me their wisdom when I was at crossroads, who gave me protection when I was vulnerable, who encouraged me to dream God-sized dreams when I was hesitant to do so. I honor you and I praise God for your lives.
What's amazing about you is that you never treated me as if I was some fragile thing that had to be taken care of. You pushed me, encouraged me, entrusted me with work, and expected me to produce output. I was surprised at what I can do and would never have discovered what I was capable of doing had you not given me the opportunity to try. And I thank you that when I tried and I wasn't very successful you were gracious enough to give me encouragement and support that I would have the heart to try again. You gave me time and space to blossom into the woman I am now.
You are also men of very powerful "few words" I must say. Some of the most remarkable lines that spoke to my heart this year were from you: I can feel you all the way here in Naga; I'm so proud of you, girl; purpose, my dear; it's working towards the dream that's important; look at this as a touchstone; if the dream is that impossible it can only come from God; you are a grafted branch; you have to have that unshakeable peace...
I am very blessed to have spiritual fathers, kuyas, brothers, and friends from so many places. Men I can count on. Men who I know will always come through for me. It is my heart's deepest joy to have worked with you this year. I look forward to partnering with you and supporting you in whatever way you need me to in 2010 and the years to come.
And God blessed me with sisters. I am very grateful that though I do not have biological sisters God has given me a lot of spiritual sisters. Women and young girls each with their own personalities, characters, and desires.
You are the women who prayed with and for me when I needed wisdom. I could not have asked for more powerful intercessors. You cried with me when I was frustrated and when my heart was pained over something. You did more than sympathize with me. You felt what I felt and you were generous enough to let your heart beat with mine.
You listened to my dreams and you would even dream outrageous dreams with me. You cheered for me as I pursued my passions, encouraged me when I felt like giving up, and helped me when I did not know how else to continue. You rejoiced with me as I experienced victories and breakthroughs. You shed tears for me as I experienced loss.
For sharing your stories with me. I thank you. For sharing your rhemas and insights that I might learn from them. I thank you. For the times we met up to pray together and just catch up. I thank you. For the times we would sit together and not have to say anything. I thank you. For making time and sacrifices in order to be one with me in pursuing the dreams God has given. I thank you. For being your ate, your sister, your friend. I thank you. I look forward to sharing more of my life with you in the coming years.
One decision indeed changes everything. Submission, faith, and love. The decision to love Jesus above all and choose that which is best for Him unlocks the floodgates of heaven. This has truly been a blessed year for me. I praise God for birthing dreams in my heart and raising up men and women to support me in seeing these dreams through. I approach 2010 with my heart and faith secure. I know and believe it will be even more glorious for all of us. For the praise and glory of our God.