Sunday, November 18, 2007


today, we celebrated sixty glorious years. i know that we only met in 1995 but i have such a great love for you.

because you are the bride of Christ. we are the bride of Christ.

happy anniversary, Church.

so i take this time to thank the Lord for blessing me with such wonderful people that have been with me as i journeyed in the faith. i praise God for my brothers and sisters in the faith. it is such a joy to grow with you in our love for Jesus and His Church. special thanks to the woman who birthed me in the faith one rainy day in paenan. to the wonderful girl who discipled me and who is now a very good friend. to the beautiful ladies who entrusted me with their spiritual growth as they were starting out in the faith, it is my honor to serve Jesus through discipling you. you are more than just disciples, you are my joy. to my wonderful brothers in the faith, you make me so proud. you paint me a picture of what men should be. to fellow sunday school teachers who tirelessly invest their time to secure the future of the church.

and most importantly, to my King, my Lord, the Lover of my Soul. Jesus. thank you for being so faithful. indeed, your love endures forever. i look upon your church and i can't help but cry. you lifted us up. you look upon us with love. your favor is unimaginable. i cannot begin to comprehend such a great and mighty love. words are not enough to express how great you are.

why do i want you to fill this house with your glory? because i desire your very presence. and like moses, if you are not with the israelites then he would rather not go, if we do not have you then i would rather we cease to exist as a church. Lord, i don't want you for a day. i want you to stay. stay with us.

"anniversary isn't just a day. it's made up of months, weeks, days, seconds, minutes... that make a year. we don't just glorify God for a day." -ptr caloy


  1. thank you for coming up with the words. all i can say is "Amen!"

  2. Your entry made me teary-eyed. Not because i felt sentimental about it, but because everything you said about the Lord is true. God's beauty is captivating. I don't ever want to leave His presence. "Stay, Lord, stay!"

  3. grabe, when i think about God's faithfulness to our Church... grabe. nothing will ever come close to Jesus! :)
