Saturday, August 21, 2010

The India Visa Statistics

I need to go to India for work. I need to get a visa to be able to go to India.

Number of friends I personally know who applied for an India visa: 2
Number of friends I personally know who applied for an India visa and had a lot of difficulty: 2

I am applying for my India visa on August 23. And the stress is killing me. I need to get my visa approved because my tickets say I have to leave the Philippines on August 30. This is how I cope with work-related stress.

Number of episodes of Big Bang Theory watched: 17 (or the whole of season 1)
Number of days episodes of Big Bang Theory were watched: 3
Number of bags of chips consumed on my own: 3
Number of bullets fired at the Gold Cup firing range: 35

Haaay. India visa. Please be mine on August 23...

Please pray for me and my team (I'm traveling with four Manobo men) that the India visa application will be quick and painless and that we get our visas approved right away. August 23 is V-Day! :)