Tuesday, February 5, 2013

I'm Back!

I haven't blogged in more than two years because I felt uncomfortable with the idea that I didn't know who were reading my posts. I continued writing, mostly letters to closest friends, but last year I realized that stories need to be told. Maya Angelou said,

"There is no greater burden than carrying an untold story."

And I guess, going back to blogging is my way of unburdening myself. I did tell myself that this story sharing shouldn't be self indulgent. Haha. So I have decided to only blog about things that are insightful. :P

A month ago I have decided to redefine what "accomplishment" and "achievement" meant for me. I do non-profit work for a small organization that serves indigenous peoples in remote areas in southern Philippines. It is an awesome job. Until I go back to the big city and learn about how my friends and college batch mates are now doctors, lawyers, HR heads with masters degrees and all that hifalutin stuff. I, on the other hand, was sort of still where I was at the year I graduated and got my bachelor's degree.

It sort of makes you stop and wonder if you're doing something wrong or if you're making the right life choices.

And then I realized... Although I am essentially the same person I was almost a decade ago, my experiences have changed me in so many ways. And doing what I do (more about what I do in a separate post), I am putting myself in a position where I can be constantly transformed.

So this year I have resolved to intentionally document four things. Things that make me feel, not just accomplished, but fulfilled. These are:

  1. Relationship building
  2. Time in nature, time to appreciate what is beautiful
  3. Being part of the teaching-learning-sharing process
  4. Being intentionally engaged in work that finds ways of bridging social and cultural divides
And I don't know how to end this post so I'll be anti-climactic on this one. Haha.

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